Create one statement that sums up your belief of how to treat objects left behind by ancient people. (spirit share the conclusion)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
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Students and parents will have an opportunity to participate in an online literature study of Kokopelli's Flute, by Will Hobbs. Participants will explore five comprehension strategies; inquiry, questioning, making connections, synthesizing information, and visualizing as they read and collaboratively explore the underlying themes in the story.
Analemma - Native American Flute .mp3 | ||
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Found at bee mp3 search engine |
Yes I agree with the ranger because you woulkd be a theif (maybe not on purpose.) If this keeps happening and all of the pot shards are taaken all clues will be lost!!!
I would treat the artifact with great care because if that was the last artifact in the entire world and i broke it or lost or somthing like that the artifacts would be gone forever because there would be no more artifacts.JO
My beleif is that you should treat artifacts with respect one because ancaint people created and handled theise things with care amd two other people would want to see those things. KB
I think that we should care for other people's stuff i think about it is like people takeing your stuff
I believe you should take great care of something left behind by the Native Americans and never steal their belongings-DZ
Just look with your eyes and you can draw them on a piece of paper then go home and try to put the clues together.LM
I believe that you should use gentle hands and softly touch it.Also, i think that once you are done looking and studying it put it back where you found it.
You should treat them as if they were one of your objects that you did not want to be disturbed. J.L.L
I think that we should respect the artifacts that we find becuase we cant just treat it like trash we have to respect it take care of it and not sell it to make money.IP
I would tell my pairents and let them take care of it so I don't do any harem to the objects.
I think that if you find a piece of pottery or anichent artafacts you should look with your eyes not your hans. ld
I would let my pairents take care of it so I don't do any harem to the objects and only look at them not touch.
You should just leave them were they were and NOT step on them treat them like a old person.WR
That they should preserve the artifacts as well as possible.A.P
I would not touch or pick up I would just thouch and feel it with my eyes only. -CM
You should leave the objects alone as if you never saw them because you don't want to have all the stress Tep had when he stole the flute.KP
I think that you should leave them alone,so other people can see and study them.E.S.
I think you should leave
To take is to break.HD
To leave no trace is a valuable.RB
Treat pottery shards like a treasure map, instead of a treasure at the X there is a treasure in the evidence of the mysteriously disappeared Anasazi.
Treat pottery shards how you would treat your life because the Anasazi gauraded them with their life. WM
Leave all artifacts where you find them or the spirits will be mad. MS
I think the Native Americans would be very upset about pot hunting, collecting shards, and taking the flute because they were put there for a reason, to stay there. They believe that the people who made the pottery, that their souls are still living in the pots. You cannot steal someones soul. If I saw an arrowhead or a pottery shard in my backyard, I would leave it there because I learned that the Anasazi believe there are souls in the pots. I think that taking artifacts is wrong. Both nature and pottery have spirits so the idea of leave no trace and leaving pottery where you find it is similar because your supposed to leave them alone. I agree with the ranger because taking 80 shards is taking evidence that isn't yours and it would be stealing. EA
Don't take pottery shards because the Anasazi gaurded them with their lives.
Don't tuch the pottery, the Anasazi gaurded it with their lives.
Don't even touch the pottery because the Anasazi believe that the person who made the pot is still inside it.
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