The Legends of Kokopelli

The Legends of Kokopelli
"He of the singing reed, He of the sacred seed, comes to assure the fertility and good fortune of our people." -- Linda Lay Shuler

Animated Legend of Kokopelli

Definition of Kokopelli

Ko-ko-pel-li (kô kô pel´ lê) n. {der. Hopi "kokopilau" (koko = wood, pilau = hump)} the humpbacked Flute Player, mythical Hopi symbol of fertility, replenishment, music, dance, and mischief.

Wraping it Up!


A forest ranger in Canyons of the Ancients National Monument in Southwestern Colorado is responsible for patrolling approximately 640,000 acres of a canyon strewn, river, desert wilderness area. This wilderness area is protected by the Bureau or Land Management and is home to thousands of Native American ruins and remnants. The ranger was speaking about the magnificence of this desert canyon region and he spoke about how some individuals just cannot help but to pick up artifacts. They know it is not legal, but are compelled to take artifacts from these sacred spaces anyways. He spoke about how these actions (taking pieces of the past from their place) completely ruins the evidence that archaeologists need to better understand the people and cultures who left these artifacts behind. He also explained how people, by picking up pottery shards and disturbing ruins, destroy important clues to the past. It is as though people continue to steal pieces of a jigsaw puzzle until there are so few pieces left, discovering the puzzle images is merely impossible. The ranger shared an example that happened just last week. He caught a woman who had approximately 80 pottery shards in her pocket! What was intriguing is that the ranger said she had completely defaced the site by scouring the entire site and taking pieces from all over it. The ranger went on to say that if this woman had gotten out a shovel and dug up a pot it would have done far less damage to the site and be far less offensive. She took all of the clues and displaced them and completely vandalized the whole site.

Think about it:
Why would it have been less offensive to actually dig up one intact pot, verses pick up handfuls of pottery shards that were broken and scattered throughout an entire site?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Synthesizing Information

First Discussion starter:

Evaluate the difference between pot-hunters actions, Tepary Jones taking the flute from Picture House in Kokopelli's Flute, and discovering and keeping arrowheads or pottery shards found in forests and or canyons in your backyard or near your home.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the pothunters are stealing repeatley and Tep only sole the bone fluteand if you had arow heads on your proprty it is yours because your parents own that land and you cand do anthing on your own proprty.LD

Anonymous said...

Tep took the flute because he was curious bout it,the pothunters took it because they wanted to sell the artifacts and make some money.JO

Anonymous said...

I think it is the same thing exept it is diffrent people.MM

Anonymous said...

I think Tep taking the flute is just like keeping artifacts from your backyark or when the woman was taking pottery shards because she was taking clues that could have had a huge impact on finding out the secret to the ancient civalized people that made these artifacts.

Anonymous said...

There is a difference between the pot-hunters actions,Tepary Jones taking the bone flute,and finding and keeping arrowheads or pottery shardsfound in canyons and forests. There are some differences like pot-hunters are taking for greed and Tep took the flute from curiousity. If you took the pottery shards from a forest or canyon you are taking from GREAT evidence that leads to EXCELLENT discussions and studies. I also think in a way these are all wrong and are connected to each other. Tep had taken something that would harm him, but he didn't know that it would. The pot-hunters had taken away from good studies that might have lead to evidence of where the Anasazis might have gone. Obviously there are differences and similarities between all of their actions. -CG

Anonymous said...

If something was valuble the indeans would get it and put it in a sacred place but if it means nothing to them they won't bother.The pot hunters and Tep were taking things they know is valuble wich the indeans wanted there but you are taking something unvaluble that reminds poeple of some thing they don't normaly want to be reminded about.WAR!

Anonymous said...

i think that its better that Tep took the flute than leaving it there becuase the po thunters could come back and take it . tep taking the flute is still pretty bad becuase arcioligist cant find the flute as easly but if the pot hunters took it than it would be alot worse because Tep took it beause he didnt want the pothunters to take it.

Anonymous said...

All these things are bad, but if you find pot shards in your backyard you can look at it and maybe give it to a National park near you.Then the people there can maybe find why the Anazazi left. If you are like the pothuters they are ilegell and you can go to jail. Tep found kokopelli and he helped his mom with it so he kinda did a good thing with it. LM

Anonymous said...

Well the pothunters took the artifacts for no reason in general but to sell and make money but Tep took the bone flute for a good cause,to help him stop his transformation from human to rat..
If someone took something from you you probaly wouldn't like that it's just like taking from a canyon of artifacts....Taking whats not yours....AM

Anonymous said...

The pothunters and Tep are taking artifacts from archaeologie sites that archeaologist study but, if you take an artifact from your home it's still stealing just people arn't researching them.KB

Anonymous said...

If something was valuble.SR

Anonymous said...

I think for the most part thier actions are the same because they all took things.But the pothunters stole artifacts for money,Tep did it for the saftey of picture house,we do it for many different reasons like we bring it to show and tell or we think it is cool,many reasons for why we take artifacts.E.S.

Anonymous said...

I think the diffrence is that the pothunters and Tep were stealing. But if you found it in your back yard it would be on your own property. So you could do what you want with the artifact.-NF

Anonymous said...

I think there is a big diffrence Tepary took it because he thought kokopelli was giveing it to Tepary and he took it.If you took a arohead from a backyard that would be stelling you should give it to a museum.but they are like the same thing they are sill takeing something thats not yours.But it is dirrent and alike in diffrent ways.-KS

Anonymous said...

the differents is that Tep took the flute to pretect it from the pothunters. Tep probly took them to protect them and because he thanks they are really cool.TM

Anonymous said...

Well i think that it's bad whan the pothunters did it 'cause thay did it for money, but Tep did not know so i guess it's ok, Also if we did it in are backyard well we do not know if it was in the canyons i think we shouldn't take it Ellie.C

Anonymous said...

Tep was not purposely ruining something,meanwhile the pothunters were purposely completly destroying Picture house ,and if I took an artifact from my backyard it would'nt be that bad,most likely no one else would find it.

Anonymous said...

I think there are differences between the three examples and this is my opinion on them.
I think they are all wrong and shouldn't be done. Yet, I think there is a difference between the three. Tep was trying to save the flute yet greed soon consumed him and he played it. He even said, "this is too good for me not to have." I think it was right for him to save the flute but he shouldn't have kept and played it. Pothunters I totally disagree with. They take pots to sell for money. So they have no compassion for pot shards. People who take pot shards I agree and disagree with. If they find them in their backyard I suppose it's ok to keep them. Yet if you take them like the lady from the ranger's story I disagree with that but not fully. If a disendent of the Native Americans takes 1 shard because he thinks it was he's grandfather's or something and see's spirit in it maybe he could ask for it but he couldn't just take it. This is my opinion on the topic. -DZ

Anonymous said...

the one that says 11:38 AM is J.L.L

Anonymous said...

I think that it would be a lot like the pothunters and them stealing a lot of artifacts like,pots, potery shards,and the ancient medicine mans bundle. You would just be like taking away the history from your backyard.What if some ancient and unknown indian tribe the dissapered like the Anasazi had lived in your backyard? then you would be staeling their history.It's like somebody you don't know coming in to your house and taking away part of your history. -CM

Anonymous said...

I think it is wrong to take something like ancient artifacts from their rightful location.You may think that only one won't hurt,but if everyone took only one than there would few left. Some of the most important facts of the Anasazi culture and why they left the 4 Corners Reigon is contained in those artifacts. If you find something ancient in your yard you should send it to a university or a local scientist. You could have found a clue to the history of the mysterious Anasazi. The big idea of this statement is that you should never take anything because it might hold a clue. -WH

Anonymous said...

Tep toke only one thing like some other people who visit the sight every day and she toke many like the grave robers in the book.AZ

Anonymous said...

I think that the difference between Tep taking the flute from picture house and discovering arrowheads and pottery shards near your home is that Tep took the flute because he was curious about what it was. Tep didn't know that it was going to change him into a packrat. I don't think that Tep did the right thing because if he left the flute where it was nothing would have happened. If I found a shard hiking, I would put it back because it doesn't belong to me it belongs to the ancient Anasazi spirits. The pot hunters took the artifacts (the medicine basket) for greed and money desire. I feel that taking artifacts is wrong but the pot hunters actions were the worst. -MS

Anonymous said...

I beleive that that the pothunters actions, Tepary Jones taking the flute in Kokopelli's Flute, and discovering and keeping arrowheads or pottery shards you found near your home are all illegal and unjust actons. The pothunters actions are wrong because taking pots that are not broken takes away from the studies that can be proved as evedence from the Anasazi culture and is selfish to take just to get a huge profit.Now Tep was wrong for a toutaly different reason. He took the bone flute out of curosity and partly greed yet not so much geedyness itself. taking from your own backyard is wrong cause someone may have lived there and taking from there work is like taking someones home for yourself that they worked hard on to build on in this case sculpt. Hd

Anonymous said...

I think that if you tuoch a pot shard you are tuoching the Anasazi. Because their spirets are still around. What if someone vandiliesd your propity how would you feel. And the ranger is right you shouldn't look for pot shards and pick them up there not yours.

Anonymous said...

I think taking any ancient artifacts is the wrong choice. Each one of thoes artifacts was belived to have a voice. The pot hunters were taking the pots to be selfish and to make money. Tepary Jones took the flute because he was curious and tempted. But I think Tep should have know better. When you are on a walk and find an arrow head or pottery shard take a look and put it back. Each artifact was a sacred item. These items are pieces of the past and are pieces that scientests can use to learn more about the Anasazi. This is why I think you should leave any artifact you find where it is. RB

Anonymous said...

I think they are all wrong because in the first place Tep shouldn't have taken the flut. And the pot huters shouldn't have taken the pots for money.I think the woman shoudn't have taken the arrowheads.They have lost of defference but they have a connetion they all stole form the Native Americans. -lc

Anonymous said...

I think that pothunting is completly wrong to loot sites like in Kokopelli's Flute pothunters looted Picture House. Tep taking the flute home was good and bad. Good because he could protect it from the pothunters. Bad because he took it from an Anasazi cliff dwelling, and Tep said "It was to good for me not to have.",and Tep also took it from curiosity, and from temptatoin. Taking arrow heads and/ or pottery shards from national parks and forests is wrong. I also think that there are differences and simmilarities between pothunting, Tep taking the flute home, and taking shards of pottery and arrow heads. A similarity is that all three are wrong choices. Over all I belive all three actions were very wrong. KS

Anonymous said...

I think the pot hunters were wrong for taking ancient artifacts and stealing evidence of the ancient artifacts.I also think Tep was wrong for taking the flute because he could get in a lot of trouble and can get hurt at piture house because he does not know what it can do. The pothunters were wrong because taking artifacts is disrespectful to the poeople who made those artifacts and pottery. Tep is also right for taking the flute so he could protect it from the pothunters. If people find pottery shards while hiking I think they should not keep it because it should stay where it belongs. -EA

Anonymous said...

pothunters take things ovor and ovor again. Tep only stole the bone flute.If you take a piece of youer land it is not a leigal because it is your land.ld

Anonymous said...

There is not much of a diffrence because those are all exampels of taking things when you are not supposed to.A.P

Anonymous said...

I think that Tep had a very good reason to take the flute- plus he summoned kokopelli to help his family survive.WR

Anonymous said...

1 They would probly thank it was bad and they would probly think it was good they would think it was good becuase he tried to protect the Ancient flute and they would think its bad because he stole the Ancient flute.2 I think yes because when i read kokopelli it told me all about the anisazi,pottery shards,and the sipapu and other stuff.3 One day me and my family went to the caverns one day and right be side it was some ancient clifdwelins they were very very very cool.People really tried to protect it by picking up trash and other things again that place was very very very cool.TM

Anonymous said...

The Anasazi would not think highlyof these actions because they believe that the pottery shards hold a spirit and a life.
I have not taken a chard and I am thankful for that because of what I have learned. I know that taking a shard is bad for learning the history of the Anasazi. If I would have taken a chard, I would have wished I could go back in time and left it in it's rightful place. Just taking one could effect a lot. If everyone who went to a ruin took one or two artifacts then very few would be left. My connection between what the Native Americans think and Naturalists/Environments perpective of leave no trace is that they both want their wilderness left the way it is. I agree with the ranger because taking one pot from one specific place is just one pot compared to eighty different pots of evidence. WH

Anonymous said...

I think that the Anazai would be mad because the people that took the pots and the arrowheads were taking something that was not theirs. The pothunters only took the pots for money. The Anasazi think this would be like selling their ancestors because the Anasazi believe their ancestors souls were in the pots. I would not take the pots because the Native Americans believe that the people who made the pots are still alive and that their sprits are in those pots.I agree with the ranger because the people should not take pottery shards or the stuff that Native Americans made because it belongs to the land and spirits might.